Wednesday, May 09, 2007


It's a perfectly muggy beautiful spring day here in Northeast Wisconsin. The birds are singing, the grass is growing, flowers are flowering and my seasonal allergies are awful. As they say...Better Living Through Pharmaceuticals. So, after the eye drops, the nasal spray, and the decongestant, I'm ready to go out into the great green world.

Update #1: I still love my job! It's not really news or an update, but I do indeed love my job. I know I'm one of the few and I know I'm extremely lucky. My department is shifting a bit, but it'll be even better :D

Update #2: The Jetta died last week. We indeed ran it until it couldn't run no more (or in this case until the brakes died). It was the last straw in a long list of symptoms the Jetta exhibited over the past few years as it heralded its ultimate demise. Long live "the grape".

Update #3: We were able to find a really cute, nice, new-to-us, affordable Honda Accord to replace the Jetta that died. Leather interior - sun roof - low-for-its age mileage. NICE!

Update #4: A few months ago I mentioned that I wanted to go check out the GBUU. Well, we have been and we are still continuing to go!

Update #5: We've (Jodi, Stacey and myself) started the seedlings for the expanded garden (oy - that's a lot of garden!) and Joe (my darling amazing husband) was able to remove the sod for said expanded garden (even with the whining about biting ants). Soon we'll be able to do the planting!

Ok is calling....darn work....:) But I do love it!

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