Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A question of faith

How should faith or religion be involved in how to raise our delightful 3-year old daughter?

Joe's family is Catholic, though many are not devout, though there is an ex-nun in the family.... Joe spent all 12 years in Catholic private education. I was raised Presbyterian and spent all American (and British) schooling in public education. We've come to an agreement that neither of us fully believe in the tenants of any particular religious doctrine.

Many years ago, I attended the new-member class at the First Unitarian Society in Madison many years ago. I love the principles of Unitarianism. I've always thought any children I'd have would be raised with the strong affirmation of the inherent dignity of all.

We moved to Green Bay in 2001. A completely different community from Madison. It has been difficult to find my place in this community - a democrat, liberal, pro-feminist, pro-choice mother and wife in a republican, conservative and Catholic environment. I've figured out a path - slowly finding souls I can relate to. For some reason, though, I've never attended the GBUU. I've had lots of excuses - "Packer Sunday!" - "the weather is lousy" - "it's not a beautiful building like Appleton's or Madison's". ENOUGH excuses!

So, this is my goal - to attend the GBUU within the month.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm - a belief in 'the inherent dignity of all' yet somehow difficult for a liberal democrat, pro-choice mom to find her place in this community?

I was raised catholic, in GB, a few 'old-fashioned' years before you ;) Today I am probably better defined as a 'conservative libertarian' and not well associated with any organized religion. We clearly see the world from differing perspectives. Yet, I have found in you and yours, souls that I can joyously relate to.

So, perhaps it is not so difficult after all...I would suggest you HAVE found a path that will serve both you and your daughter well... you have peered beneath the labels that society applies and instead have identified the individuals found hiding beneath. I was lucky enough to be one.

Regarless of whether you decide to share with your daughter the tenets of any organized religion - share with her this: We are always blessed to be able to see through the eyes of those that see and believe differently from us.

Anonymous said...

If you have trouble finding a church community, let me know -- my dear friend Kristen was a faith-based community organizer in Green Bay for two years, and she knows just about every congregation in the city. She could probably recommend a good one that might be a fit for you.

Ane said...

I too grew up in Green Bay and can sympathize. Hang in there. You've already realized of course that the official religion of GB is the Packers.

KarenE said...

Thank you, m. It's true - I'm glad I know what I'm looking for.

Jenica - it certainly is a small world!

Ane - you are absolutely right! It's no small wonder that most services here are on Saturday evenings!