Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"So, what's new in your world, Karen?"

  • Had my nieces for the weekend. Oi. Not that they were awful - not at all. Maddy enjoyed having them visit, and Samantha and Alison were not exactly happy to be leaving Sunday afternoon. There were some really nice moments that I'll treasure. That said, S & A are not my children and, well, taught dear sweet M some things I'd rather not have her learn (Like saying "I don't like you" instead of "I'm frustrated!").
  • I lost my voice - literally. Turns out coughing and sinus drainage isn't good for the vocal chords. Go figure. Of course, dear husband was "so sorry" to hear that I was to be on vocal rest for a bit. ha ha
  • My 25' x 12' garden has been tilled and the potatoes have been planted. The rest (onions, squash, beans, broccoli, spinach, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, carrots, herbs, and peppers) the next few weeks.
  • A new section has been tilled in the way back for the "native" garden.
  • A new section has been tilled at the side for the "vertical" garden.

YEAH! I love springtime.

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