Wednesday, August 19, 2009

21 weeks

Baby is size of a CARROT, can you believe it? She's doing just fine. I'm not doing as great. Part of this is I'll be 40 in January, not a young chick. Part of it is that I have fibromyalgia and this pregnancy is kicking my behind.

Wondering it's time to look at my schedule and ask to cut down my time at work.

It's scary to think about. I don't want to be on bed-rest. I don't want to not work. But frankly, I'm tired. I'm tired of throwing up, feeling unrested, being achy all over, all day, being exhausted just being at work.

Wish things were simple. Wish I could make the next 19 weeks zip by. Wish I didn't feel like I needed to take the vicodin or the Tylenol 3 daily to keep my body from screaming.

Monday, August 10, 2009

bunnies galore

Originally uploaded by Karen54301
Unfortunately, the bunnies like the garden too....


Originally uploaded by Karen54301
close up

Coneflower & Monarch

Coneflower & Monarch
Originally uploaded by Karen54301

Rattlesnake Master

Rattlesnake Master
Originally uploaded by Karen54301
closeup....I think it's like looking at planets in orbit...

Bees love the Rattlesnake Master

My favorite plant has to be the Rattlesnake Master.

Red Milkweed & Monarch

Red Milkweed & Monarch
Originally uploaded by Karen54301
I'm thrilled that my backyard has attracted butterflies, bees and birds.

Barn and house in springtime

One of my first watercolors....