Thursday, August 10, 2006

Worries - part 3

My friend Jodi has introduced me to Reiki. I'm not a novice to trying alternative medicine. I've studied yoga in the past and hope to in the future after my arm heals. I've had acupuncture done, which was amazing. I believe in the power of the mind and the power of meditation (though I've never seriously practiced meditation).

I've heard of Reiki, but figured it hokie. . No one could give me proof that Reiki worked. But when one is not feeling 100%, you tend to try almost anything to feel better. So I invited Jodi to show me what she knows. Last week, she practiced on me.

I'm not sure I can describe the pure bliss I enjoyed when she practiced on me. I'm not sure what happened, but whatever it was, I've been contemplating upon it since then. In my research of Reiki and Reiki practice, I have decided to attempt to live by this famous quote by Dr. Mikao Usui, the originator of Reiki as it is today. Many of you might now it.
Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to everything.

Dr. Mikao Usui
Maybe it will help me stop becoming such a chronic worrier. Couldn't hurt!


Anonymous said...

Cheers for Reiki! People thought I was nuts for doing hypnotherapy for pain control for labor, but hey -- I did 24 hours of labor without drugs. I say that's pretty good. And even now, when I look back on it, I don't remember horrible pain. Whatever works, works, and knowing WHY isn't always important.

I hope Maddy's feeling better. Parent guilt is worse than the child's sickness, I think!

KarenE said...

Too true. I'm just to damn curious for my own good I think sometimes. *sigh*

How's the O-man doing?