Monday, June 19, 2006


What a weekend. Joe worked all weekend, but Maddy and I found time to surprise him at the fair he was working at on Saturday, and then for a bit of family time on Sunday morning before he had to return to the fair.

Maddy is very much a 2 1/2 year old, but she is in great health. She had her ear doctor appointment on Friday morning, and she's doing great a year after her ear tubes were put in. She had had chronic ear infections, and for her, the tubes were a miracle. One of them is on its way out, and the other is already out, so they've done their duty well. :)

I had another appointment with my orthopedic surgeon re: my elbow. The residual pain is due to the ulna nerve still not 100% repaired, and there is some concern about how much damage it sustained in "the fall". Fingers still pretty tingly. I wear this fun brace to bed, making it harder for the nerve to get pinched in the night. He suggested a nerve conduction test. Ugh. Had one done years ago and it was NOT FUN. Ouch.

But I've postponed that test for a few months. I'm not ready to start from square one trying to recuperate from the break. *sigh*

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