Thursday, June 15, 2006


When did you last stop and wonder how you got to this particular point in your life? I've been doing it a lot lately. (See this entry)

I got my library degree 5 years ago for (what I thought) would be a good job in academia. I AM in academia, but not in a library doing what I thought I'd be doing. And I guess I'm itching to get back to a career in libraries. I was good at what I did, and there are so many aspects of a library career I would love to explore / investigate /do again:
  • I would love to be a young adult library. You should see my YA collection - not very large, but big enough to be a collection.
  • I would like to spend my career teaching.... anything! I love teaching. I'm doing a bit of it right now, but I want more.
  • I would like to continue learning about website design and management. I did a bit in the past, and really enjoy learning what makes a GOOD website, what makes it usable, not just well designed.
  • I'd like to own a bookstore.
  • I'd like to work in a bookstore.
  • I'd like to devote my energies to finding and compiling a library of titles that support and celebrate diversity of all types.


Anonymous said...

hi karen...i think it is wonderful that you would like to work in a bookstore or own a bookstore...both would prove my downfall...if i worked in a bookstore i would just end up turning my paycheck back over to the store...and i think i would be even in more trouble if i owned a bookstore...i know that i would have a wonderful selection of childrens books...and books on history and biographies (mostly on women ie eleanor roosevelt, isadore duncan) and even a few cookbooks...but as for having any romance novels in my shop dont think so...i love finding an old independently owned bookstore (not a chain) they have so much charm and character and a warmth that chains lack...anyway my dream would be to have a never ending gift certificate to barnes and noble...they have a better selection of biographies right now than borders...ok time to get off my soapbox have a great evening...hugs ...lana

KarenE said...

I always feel so much guilt buying anything at a bookstore chain. A dear friend owns a used bookstore, and there is a delightful children's ( in this area. But I'd LOVE to replicate the "A Room of One's Own Feminist Bookstore" in Madison. ( That or Canterbury Books. I know I could make something happen up here. There are alot of people who want a choice!