Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I am HOOKED on the series LOST! Maybe because it's really well written. Maybe because it's so unusual and follows no formula (as many other TV series does). Maybe because it's so full of clues and mystery. *shrug* I only know I enjoy getting LOST!

I was so majorly bummed when, early on this season, our VCR when kablooey and I missed at least 2 taped episodes! We upgraded to a digital video recorder, but felt so "lost" myself! (haha) What would I have done if it hadn't been for the internet and wonderful places online like Wiki's LOST episodes sites that give details of this fascinating series! Thanks, Al Gore, for "inventing" the internet!

I don't know exactly how many episodes are left, but you can bet where I'll be most of the next few Wednesdays!

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