Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How to get a professional librarian's undies in a bundle....

There are many occupations that have been historically filled by women: teachers nurses, librarians for example. I received my Masters in Library Science (MLS) in 2001. I knew that job placement was risky. There aren't many library positions available, especially in the place we ended up (NE WI). I've worked professionally as a librarian in two jobs. One job was frustrating because of lack of funds and working conditions (MOLD in the stacks!). It was a good job, and I liked what I did, but Joe and I needed to find a place where we both could find employment. So we moved to NE WI. 9 months after searching for a library job (a very very long 9 months), I was hired at my second professional job. From the very beginning, I knew it was going to be a challenge. My boss was horrible. She couldn't supervise worth #$#$#&. Shortly after I became (happily) pregnant with Maddy, I was let go/fired/excused from that job. It actually was a blessing. It was majorly stressful trying to keep up in such a taxing work environment, let alone trying to "play the game" while pregnant.

There aren't many professional jobs available for those who have their MLS, so imagine the surprise when staff at the Madison Public Library find out that not one, but TWO job applicants were hired even though they didn't have an MLS. It was written into the qualification section! No wonder they are irate!

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