Monday, May 15, 2006

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

I had recently posted the "Dear Mr. President" song... Now, here's something for his wife.

Jasmina Tesanovic: Letter to Laura Bush on Mother's Day

Powerful. via. BoingBoing


Anonymous said...

the letter to laura bush and the song to the president were very powerful
i have heard on the news that many song writers are composing songs that are anti bush
my big question is where are they hiding laura bush
she is hardly ever seen any more
cousin lana

KarenE said...

Lana - I totally agree. It's disheartening that she, who is a former children's librarian, so flippantly supports the policies of her husband's administration. I just don't understand.

Anonymous said...

Karen -- i am tickled that you received my response... i feel like im still in the glad that you are unable to understand the bush admistration....just proves what an intelligent woman you are........cousin lana