Wednesday, April 09, 2008

on hormones, and other fun things

Hormones suck in general. They rule a girl's life. Seriously. Girls unite. Damn.

I'm 9 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy is similar to my first with Madeline. With Maddy, I was sick for 9 months. Threw up every 3rd day. It was not fun. I know every pregnancy is different, but oh my dear stars, PLEASE be very very different! I've not been feeling the best so far. I won't disgust you with my tales of "praying to the porcelain gods". You get the idea.

I have a stash of saltines and peppermint tea under my desk. I have been going to sleep really amazingly early, taking naps when I can. My hair is not behaving and I am finding I can't use the same products in it. My regular clothes are too tight. I'm only 9 frickin' weeks along, but I'm finding myself in a few maternity clothes already.

Ok, enough complaining. I'm ready to ENJOY being pregnant! As I tell my students: "Attitude IS everything."

I'm just not ready to give up the saltines just quite yet!

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