Wednesday, December 20, 2006


You know those things that show up in multiples in your life when you least expect them? They are that tap-on-the-shoulder, the universe's way of standing up and saying "HEY! This is important! Pay attention and NOTICE!" It took me a while to figure this out, but I've figured the latest thing out!

The past few days, this cosmic thing has been laughter.

This time of year has always been so frackin' stressful, this year no different. But then I heard this story on NPR, All Things Considered on my way home from work:

Laughter Yoga: Relaxing, If a Bit Kooky

That got me smiling, appreciative of those kooky southern Californians! And then my fellow cello (-ist) Wendy sent me the Pachelbel Rant. It got Joe and me chortling. It wasn't until my dear sister Amy sent me this video. I opened it at work. It took me only about 30 seconds until I was laughing to the point of crying. Of course I've sent it to my co-workers, and sure enough, soon everyone was laughing.

Hope these make YOUR day. :) Happy Holidays.

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