Thursday, November 20, 2008


The ultrasound ... same room as in April ... same result ... no heartbeat. The baby died within the last day or two. Going in tomorrow morning (7:45am) to get a test done on the baby's chromosomes (a chrorionic villus sampling or CVS) and I'm scheduled for a D&C at noon.

I totally fell apart walking into the ultrasound room initially, and again when we searched for the heartbeat. I am more calm than I could be. I've been through this before. It's not easier - it just wasn't out of the blue like last time.

It looks like I have some uterine fibroids, more than when I was pregnant with Maddy. That or something about the chromosome may be the answer as to why I miscarried twice in a year. I still don't want Maddy to be an only child. I just don't whether I can do this again, ever. The pain is just too great.


Anonymous said...

I am so so sorry. Please know that I'm thinking of you, and that you and Joe and Maddy are in our prayers.

Scrappinfor3 said...

Hey Chica! Thinking of you. Cry, Yell, Sob, Yell some more. . .curl up with your little lovey & just be. . . and then cry & get it all out some more. It sucks. Just know you are being thought about. . .

Jamie said...

I'm thinking of you all, Karen.