Saturday, December 08, 2007

Mystery solved...

There have been odd scratching sounds coming from a corner of the front bedroom's ceiling. A little odd, but they've come and gone so infrequently, we haven't investigated thoroughly.

Mystery has been solved whilst Joe was up in the attic retrieving the holiday bins. 2 bats have been hibernating in the attic. Joe took pictures. I played with my new computer's Movie Maker feature. Enjoy!



And now the film....


Ane said...

You are so creative.

KarenE said...

LOL Thanks, Ane! I was only trying out my new laptop and procrastinating doing an annotated bibliography!

Jamie said...

Eeew...I hate bats, almost as much as mice. :) We had them in our house growing up. They used to get in from the chimney.