Sunday, November 12, 2006

Maddy- OCD or just a toddler?

Maddy and I had a low-key weekend. Very low-key. Near all-day pajama-day for Maddy and I on Friday, but we did get out of the house to go across the street to get her hair cut. Nearly 3 years-old, Maddy's a hoot. Her favorite thing to do when we are home is to take out the 15-20 DVDs and VHS tapes and spread them all over the floor like a train. It's hilarious, especially when she faces them ALL down. She groups them in rows, in columns. Maddy even talks about playing with her movies when we aren't home.

hmmm... I hope it's not OCD and that we aren't stimulating her enough ....

Keep her in good thoughts though...tonight was night 1 with no nuks. She's had a nuk (I blame it entirely on her Nana T who thought she should have one) since ~6 months I think. But tonight, we said bye to her three nuks, placed them in 3 envelopes for the 3 babies we know...Lilas, Charlie, and Joshua. She's been crying up a storm. Egads, we're awful. I feel awful. But I know we are doing the right thing.

I just checked in on her. Deci - the best cat for when one needs a cuddle, decided to sleep with her, so he is snuggling with her. She seems asleep (HURRAY), so hopefully this won't be so bad.
Ahhh...the things they don't tell you about in Lamaze!


Anonymous said...

She doesn't sound OCD AT ALL. She just sounds like a natural cataloguer!

Good luck with the nuks. Otto's slowly getting rid of his, too. FluidPudding made a "Nuk Fairy" bag for her daughter, kind of like the tooth fairy, and that seemed to help them. My guy is still to little to get that concept but maybe Maddy would like it.

I still think binkies are great, though - we wouldn't have survived O's first year without them, and a few tears while weaning seems like a fair trade.

:^) H

KarenE said...

I agree. Maddy's ear problems did have her (and us) reeling. She's been saying how sad she is about her nuk being gone. :( Talk about breaking your heart!