Wednesday, November 15, 2006

7 years....(a letter to my sister)

It's been seven years since I witnessed you become a mother. You gave Mom and Dad their first grandchild - the first granddaughter. I was thrilled when you wanted me to be your labor coach. I will cherish that day - how I was able assist you, cheer you on, care for you, and finally, cut the umbilical cord.

You have had to deal with a number of stupid and awful cards. You've always struggled with knowing who you were and having the label of and the challenges motherhood brings didn't exactly help you.

It's been over a year since you left - since you left your children, a home, family. I don't know what you expect out of life - whether you think you are owed something by the universe. Life isn't fair. Get on with it. You had a bad day? Suck up and be nice.

I don't mean to sound so angry and bitter. I apologize for that. You are missed. Your family misses you. Your friends miss you.

I wish I could say the right words to make it all ok - to make whatever pain you are going through go away, but I'm not naive to believe that. Everyone makes his or her own reality. You need to make yours. 7 years ago, I witnessed your strength. I hope you can find that strength again.

love, Karen

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