Monday, September 11, 2006

I remember, and yet....

Everytime I think about 9/11/2001 and where I was and what has happened since that day, my heart grows heavy. Of course I remember where I was, what I was doing, and how I felt. I wonder how many years must pass for all of us to be able to talk about a normal September 11 without somehow remembering that black day.

Even with that horror, I fear my country's government has played us all for fools. I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired with "them" using fear as their primary tactic to gain access to personal, PRIVATE information, to defend their baseless war against the people of Iraq, and to create a society which is less secure than it was before that Tuesday long ago.
I'm hoping to change my attitude and quell my fear by voting in this month's primaries tomorrow for at least one person, Jamie Wall, whose values and beliefs mirror my own. Will you join me in "being the change you want to see in the world" (taught Gandhi).


1 comment:

KarenE said...

:( Jamie lost the race. I'm hopeful he will begin anew and find a different way to assist the people of NE Wisconsin.