Tuesday, September 23, 2008

me me me me me me me

It's been about 6 months since the miscarriage. In many ways, it's been the longest 6 months. I've been trying to grieve without dwelling. I've had colleagues and friends tiptoe around me as they experience their pregnancies and relatively happy births. I know it's not been easy to be around me.

My cycle had been pretty predictable and I had been able to pinpoint pretty accurately ovulation when we were trying. Not so anymore. Of course not.

I'm currently waiting impatiently to begin my cycle. For over 3 weeks now. I know I'm not pregnant. Even got a blood test to confirm. So my doc had me take progesterone to jumpstart the cycle. So far - nothing.

I think the frustrating part of all of this is now that I'm WANTING to get pregnant, it's difficult to keep it in perspective. I'm not getting any younger, and I'm battling that age-factor thing.

I know, I know - scores of women older than me have had babies. I don't care. Part of me wants to be pregnant before November 8th comes around - the previous due date. It's looming and I hate it .

I know everything will be ok. I DON'T believe everything happens for a reason, (please don't tell me that) but I know I'll be ok. Joe and I are ok. Maddy is great. I have a great job (1 year anniversary on the 1st of October!). I just don't want Maddy to be an only child.

ok... enough about me ... for now :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Right Now ...


Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing.
Post these instructions with your picture.

Ok Jenica ... you started it ... see picture of me (with pink hair) looking at your page. :)


Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008

About Sarah Palin

It's too important NOT to link to this letter from Anne Kilkenny about Sarah Palin.

Librarians Against Palin!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

New kitty...

Introducing Smokey the cat. 8 years old. 13 pounds. A sweet, even-tempered cat who loves to sleep with anyone. Adopted / saved from the Humane Society. A sweet boy.


First day of 4K!

Our little girl ain't so little anymore! Here she is, on her first day at 4K at the YWCA!

So ready!

First day of 4K, here Maddy comes!