Friday, June 27, 2008

Mid June already?

We've been crazy busy ... looking forward to no plans ... that's ever going to happen.

But today, I'm pampering myself to a massage and treating Joe and Maddy by attending the opening night of Wall-E! We're in the middle of break right now, but there is so much to do. I'm not complaining TOO loudly .... I love my job. Just a lot to do before July 7th.

We have got the flower beds all pretty & mulched, and have to get all of the weeds out of the vegetable garden this weekend. Pictures coming soon.

Getting the house in order and doing some putzing work this weekend. We're heading to Cleveland OH to celebrate the 4th, the wedding of my cousin Rebecca, and a family reunion. I think I could use about 6 days of recuperation time after we get home on the 7th. It'll be Maddy's first time in an airplane, and boy is she excited!

Monday, June 09, 2008

nothing like a half-assed apology

It was a horrible end of a wonderful place. There were a lot of hard feelings. More than a few accusations. And still after 2 years, it hurts like hell.

And the one man who (some have argued) could have helped the Weidner Center from drowning is finally leaving town. Many are celebrating.

In Sunday's (June 8, 2008) Green Bay Press Gazette, he might have finally apologized; he may have admitted he was wrong. Can it be true?

There've been tough decisions, but I think they were absolutely necessary ones. The Weidner Center — I feel very good that it's on a financially sustainable basis now, but my biggest mistake was listening to the "experts" about the Weidner Center, instead of the very clear signals the marketplace was sending.

The model of bringing in Broadway shows to cover the overhead was no longer working — every week of Broadway we put out there, we lost a quarter of a million dollars, so as a consequence over a course of about three years, we had $5 million in red ink trying to keep that going under the old model. If I'd done a better job and had more experience, I'd have gone to the new model earlier.

I can only hope that he doesn't screw up lives at the Western Washington University where he is headed.

Good riddance.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008