Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Downtown Green Bay is calling.

Green Bay - more than the Packers!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Zapped again ....

I knew my arm and elbow wouldn't be 100% better after the surgery in October 2006. I knew it wouldn't be back to completely normal. It was actually amazingly good after just 60 days actually!

However, shortly after I started playing cello again in September, I started getting numbness in the top of my right hand. It would happen whilst doing just about anything, including not doing a single thing. It would start up my right thumb area, sometimes include the index and middle fingers, and radiate up my arm. It felt different than the compression in the elbow of the ulna nerve. It hurt too.

So, I showed up at the orthopedic surgeon's last week and told him what I've been experiencing as of late. I didn't want to be there. I was done with the Year of the Elbow. But I did the only thing I could do, other than ignore it. Dr. S*** sent me to the nerve doctor, again....

Being zapped again by the very kind Dr. W*** was worse than the first time. I knew it would hurt again. I knew what to anticipate.

Yet again, Dr. W*** was as wonderful as he could possibly be, treating me as a person and taking the time to talk me through the painful zapping process. He explained exactly what he was doing, and what he was looking for. I told him I was going to blog this, so this is my giant THANK YOU! to Dr. W***! (Wait for the applause!)

Diagnosis (to be confirmed by Dr. S***) is that I have yet another compressed nerve - a branch of the radial nerve - the posterior interosseus nerve.

Fig. 1. —Drawing shows course of radial nerve (thick arrows) deep in relation to brachioradialis muscle (arrowheads) at elbow where radial nerve divides into posterior interosseous nerve (thin arrows) and superficial radial nerve. S = supinator.

To be continued.....(sigh)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Congratulations, Stacey and Dean. Happy Birthday, baby Joey. What a darling boy.


The Kolze family

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Presidential candidates ... who really represents your beliefs the best?

Very impressive. I was a bit shocked about who matched my beliefs. Check it out!

"Glassbooth connects you to the presidential candidate that represents your beliefs the best."

Glassbooth is a nonprofit organization that is creating innovative ways to access political information. An informed and interested democracy is a powerful thing. As an organization acting in the public’s interest, we are very serious about our core principles:

  • Integrity

  • Nonbias

  • Nonpartisan

  • Transparency

  • Insight

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Someone tell my husband I want one of these! :)

I'd love to learn how to knit, especially this shawl!

This guy is cute!

So is this one!

Straight No Chaser - 12 Days

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Mystery solved...

There have been odd scratching sounds coming from a corner of the front bedroom's ceiling. A little odd, but they've come and gone so infrequently, we haven't investigated thoroughly.

Mystery has been solved whilst Joe was up in the attic retrieving the holiday bins. 2 bats have been hibernating in the attic. Joe took pictures. I played with my new computer's Movie Maker feature. Enjoy!



And now the film....