Warning ... bodily fluids discussed ... not for the weak-stomached...
I should be feeling a bit relieved. I don't have to work today. It's one of the holidays the college observes. I should be feeling like today is a day I could play catch-up.
Unfortunately, my dear daughter and one of my dear cats have decided that's not to be. I'm worried about Maddy's health - she's probably having the same fall-allergen reaction that I have - throwing up mucous, etc. She doesn't have a fever, just the cough that won't quit.
Not only that, but she's had two separate blow-outs with her pull-ups at night. Unsure what's up with that, but she's woken up in the middle of the night with her bed sopping. It's getting a bit old - changing the sheets in the middle of the night with a groggy crabby child and little light
And then it comes to the dear cat. Unsure which one it is, but suspect it is darling D'Argo, the younger of the two. We found a spot on an area rug in the "office" where he's been peeing. Then another. He's had issues in the past few weeks with peeing in other places than in one of the 3 litter boxes, like on Maddy's books, papers, nearly anything left on the floor. The plus side of this is that we are MUCH more careful about cleaning up after ourselves and we keep nothing on the floors anymore.
Unfortunately, he's now climbed up on tables to pee on things now! Like her "homework" from school! GRRRRR
So, before Joe goes out and takes him up to the woods (sort of kidding there), the vet will be coming to the house to check out both of the cats next week. Yep - a house-call. Did I mention that Deci gets violently car-sick?
Ok...Enough of this ... I WILL get some good work done today. I WILL get some shopping done. I WILL get dishes washed, and even have time to take a NAP! :)