It's been a tough weekend. Joe had obligations in Madison Thursday and Friday, then up to the Woods for Zac's bachelor party Saturday and Sunday, so we saw him for about 2 hours on Saturday. I was way cranky, and Maddy (bless her intuitive soul) picked up on it. She was very much a two year old and did her best to play the part. We both ended up having time-outs. Maddy and I spent a nice (if cold and wet) evening with Pam and her son Howie, 3 1/2 (WOW) at the "BIG park".
Despite it being a cold, rainy, typical spring day on this last day of April, today was much nicer. Got some MUCH needed cleaning done - vacumming, dusting, cleaning out Maddy's toy room, laundry. All that and Joe got home around noon. :) All around a nice day.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
From Greenville to Green Bay....
It's been WAY too long, but I spent an HOUR (oh my!) on the phone with a dear cousin, something we've never done. Why, I wonder? I've always liked her! I don't know the reason, but I'm sure glad we got back in touch. :) Love you, Dani! Can't wait for our kids to meet! (Hopefully they won't wait 20-30 years to get to know each other.)
It's "Wis-KAHN-sen"!
I have the proof! In 1979, my 3rd grade class wished me well as my family made the move from Comstock Park, Michigan to Madison, Wisconsin. They composed cards and wrote notes to me inside of a small grey-green book. What confused me was many of them wished me luck in "WEST-consin". I couldn't figure it out. I knew I was heading West, but geesh....
There are a number of Wisconsin place names that are difficult even for native Wisconsinites to pronounce! Let's see, in NE Wisconsin, there's "Allouez", "Ashwaubenon", "Lake Butte des Morts, and "Kaukauna" for examples. How does one even begin to attempt to pronounce these?
Thankfully, there's a website out there (cleverly named the Miss Pronouncer) that will help you hear the correct pronounciation of Brett Favre, the Chequamegon National Forest, and even Oconomowoc. Great job, Jackie Johnson!
There are a number of Wisconsin place names that are difficult even for native Wisconsinites to pronounce! Let's see, in NE Wisconsin, there's "Allouez", "Ashwaubenon", "Lake Butte des Morts, and "Kaukauna" for examples. How does one even begin to attempt to pronounce these?
Thankfully, there's a website out there (cleverly named the Miss Pronouncer) that will help you hear the correct pronounciation of Brett Favre, the Chequamegon National Forest, and even Oconomowoc. Great job, Jackie Johnson!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Praise is not enough.....
Early in March, "on his only visit to the Weidner Center in its 13-year history, famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma gave the place high praise Thursday night in front of a near-sellout house" at the Weidner Center. It's been a place for so many artists, so many visitors. Weddings have been set on stage. A certain wedding is happening in June there. So many friends have been made, so many children's lives changed by seeing theatrical art up-close and personal.
But as it stands today, the overall climate for the performing arts is grim. The university just announced that it exceeded its fundraising goal for the new sports arena from a donation from a couple who originally gave seed money to the Weidner Center. Bully for them. We don't have to look far to see where this community's priorities lie. What can we do to change this? Can we? Can I?
But as it stands today, the overall climate for the performing arts is grim. The university just announced that it exceeded its fundraising goal for the new sports arena from a donation from a couple who originally gave seed money to the Weidner Center. Bully for them. We don't have to look far to see where this community's priorities lie. What can we do to change this? Can we? Can I?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Neat opportunity!

I'm pretty excited! I have been reading the Beauty Dish (the underground adventures of an Avon Lady) blog for a while now. Out of curiousity, I asked Birdie whether or not she had a product for melasma. Dear Maddy is two now, but I've been afflicted with this for the past two summers. You can't see it in this picture of M and I at the cottage last summer, but it was pretty bad - encompassing most of my face. It's so frustrating!
Well, dear Birdie is sending me a product and I get a chance to review it for her blog! I do enjoy writing and really look forward to the experience! Thanks, Birdie! :)
I am HOOKED on the series LOST! Maybe because it's really well written. Maybe because it's so unusual and follows no formula (as many other TV series does). Maybe because it's so full of clues and mystery. *shrug* I only know I enjoy getting LOST!
I was so majorly bummed when, early on this season, our VCR when kablooey and I missed at least 2 taped episodes! We upgraded to a digital video recorder, but felt so "lost" myself! (haha) What would I have done if it hadn't been for the internet and wonderful places online like Wiki's LOST episodes sites that give details of this fascinating series! Thanks, Al Gore, for "inventing" the internet!
I don't know exactly how many episodes are left, but you can bet where I'll be most of the next few Wednesdays!
I was so majorly bummed when, early on this season, our VCR when kablooey and I missed at least 2 taped episodes! We upgraded to a digital video recorder, but felt so "lost" myself! (haha) What would I have done if it hadn't been for the internet and wonderful places online like Wiki's LOST episodes sites that give details of this fascinating series! Thanks, Al Gore, for "inventing" the internet!
I don't know exactly how many episodes are left, but you can bet where I'll be most of the next few Wednesdays!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
20 years of horror
I was 16 when this happened. I knew it was horrific, but in true teen-style, I knew it couldn't effect me! It happened "over there".
This is my homage to those families and communities who survived the Chernobyl Disaster. There's some disturbing pictures in this photo-essay, illustrating that the horror hasn't stopped. (found at Boing Boing)
Nuclear Nightmares: Twenty years since Chernobyl
More links:
This is my homage to those families and communities who survived the Chernobyl Disaster. There's some disturbing pictures in this photo-essay, illustrating that the horror hasn't stopped. (found at Boing Boing)
Nuclear Nightmares: Twenty years since Chernobyl
Due to expanding energy needs and the dangers of global warning, the development of new sources of energy has become a top priority worldwide. As new ideas and technologies are tested it is important to remember past errors and their repercussions lasting centuries. The twentieth anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident is not only a time to reflect on the horrors inflicted on so many people, but also to question future energy strategies and their potential impacts on the planet.
More links:
"Dear Mr. President"
I had to post this. The song is amazing, bringing tears to my eyes. And I wish I would have the opportunity to ask these same questions. Wonder what the responses would be....
Pink featuring Indigo Girls - Dear Mr. President
(do the right click save on this mp3 it doesn't stream very well)
"Dear Mr. President"
(feat. Indigo Girls)
Dear Mr. President
Come take a walk with me
Let's pretend we're just two people and
You're not better than me
I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly
What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep
What do you feel when you look in the mirror
Are you proud
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why
Dear Mr. President
Were you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy
How can you say
No child is left behind
We're not dumb and we're not blind
They're all sitting in your cells
While you pay the road to hell
What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say
You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye
Let me tell you bout hard work
Minimum wage with a baby on the way
Let me tell you bout hard work
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away
Let me tell you bout hard work
Building a bed out of a cardboard box
Let me tell you bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
You don't know nothing bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
How do you sleep at night
How do you walk with your head held high
Dear Mr. President
You'd never take a walk with me
Would you
(borrowed from
Monday, April 17, 2006
G'ma, G'pa and the 6 grandkids
new blog look
Hope you like the new blog look. I forgot to save "K's fav links" and "K's fav blogs". I'll get to that soon.
Everytime we get home from vising my side of the family in Madison, I feel we've run a marathon. This weekend was no different, but it was not as crazy as it could have been. Sure, it was cold and rainy yesterday so the kids couldn't play outside, but they could play in the basement. Sure, mom wasn't feeling well, but she was heavily medicated, so she was able to be around. And, sure, Maddy threw up this morning after drinking too much water cuz she had passed out in the van on the way home, but she's with her Nana Terri so she gets some much needed "down time".
More about the weekend and LOTS of pictures to upload back to work.
More about the weekend and LOTS of pictures to upload back to work.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
What are cockle bells?
Could it be?! It's been so beautiful outside. Yesterday, it was about 70 though rainy, but that brings the flowers, you know! Of course, I'm in my office and only able to look outside.
Back when it was only 20 degrees and decidedly grey outside in January, my neighbor/friend/Maddy-hairstylist/co-conspirator Stacey and I started planning for our communal vegetable garden. We poured over seed catalogs, found websites with great information about gardening, made wislists, started to list those plants would like to grow nicely with each other, and basically dream of all the yummy peas, carrots, and corn.
Then I broke my elbow and got a sinus infection and basically lost 5 weeks, literally. I couldn't do much after (trying to) work - my arms and head were useless, either cuz of the vicodin (oi vey) or from lack of strength. I still don't know where February went.
But now, I'm enthusiastic! My clematis is returning and has buds on it, we've raked off the leaves in our poor neglected garden, I've trimmed back the ANCIENT small tea rose, the peonies are poking through, and we have some few tulips and iris returning. It's all so much fun! Looking forward to finally getting back to the veggie plan!
So, how does your garden grow?
Back when it was only 20 degrees and decidedly grey outside in January, my neighbor/friend/Maddy-hairstylist/co-conspirator Stacey and I started planning for our communal vegetable garden. We poured over seed catalogs, found websites with great information about gardening, made wislists, started to list those plants would like to grow nicely with each other, and basically dream of all the yummy peas, carrots, and corn.
Then I broke my elbow and got a sinus infection and basically lost 5 weeks, literally. I couldn't do much after (trying to) work - my arms and head were useless, either cuz of the vicodin (oi vey) or from lack of strength. I still don't know where February went.
But now, I'm enthusiastic! My clematis is returning and has buds on it, we've raked off the leaves in our poor neglected garden, I've trimmed back the ANCIENT small tea rose, the peonies are poking through, and we have some few tulips and iris returning. It's all so much fun! Looking forward to finally getting back to the veggie plan!
So, how does your garden grow?
Monday, April 10, 2006
Beautiful Sunday.
Maddy and I spent the morning up in the Woods yesterday. The cabin in the background is fondly called "Bobba's Cabin", and is about 40 minutes NW of Green Bay. Beautiful sunny day!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Happy Friday!
I'm so thrilled! Today, a rarity, Joe, Maddy and I will be spending the ENTIRE day together! I normally don't work on Fridays, and Joe isn't either! No real plan, but we do have to run errands, go find a bridal shower present, window-shop, find an indoor playground to wear out Maddy for naptime (since it won't be warmer than 45 today :( ) and generally enjoy each others company!
Got to get my hair cut (oh boy, is it SHORT!) and colored yesterday, AND got a massage finally. (When we win the lottery, a masseuse on-call is on the wishlist.)
Dear friend Lisa is coming to town tomorrow for her own R&R (ie. Maddy time). The final concert for civic symphony (I play cello in the CS when I don't have a bad elbow) is tomorrow night, and then there I do believe is some serious dancing in store for us! :D It's been way too long. WooHoo!
Got to get my hair cut (oh boy, is it SHORT!) and colored yesterday, AND got a massage finally. (When we win the lottery, a masseuse on-call is on the wishlist.)
Dear friend Lisa is coming to town tomorrow for her own R&R (ie. Maddy time). The final concert for civic symphony (I play cello in the CS when I don't have a bad elbow) is tomorrow night, and then there I do believe is some serious dancing in store for us! :D It's been way too long. WooHoo!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
April is...
T.S. Eliot (1888–1965). The Waste Land. 1922.
April has always been a hard month for me. I've lost loves, done stupid things, been challenged physically, mentally and emotionally during my previous 35 Aprils.
This April, we're facing some major financial blows (gotta love tax time) and there are stressful times ahead. However, I have to admit, I'm actually optimistic. Scared, hell yeah. But I just know everything is going to be ok.
Why is it different this year?
Well, there's that beautiful new nephew in our lives. Nothing like new life to remember what is important. There's our yard we get to figure out how to (cheaply) landscape and plant gardens in. There's our daughter, beautiful Maddy, who makes my life so much cheery. Maybe that's why I'm feeling a bit more optimistic this year.
There are so many others in our lives who are going through challenges themselves. Some of our friends who we've had the pleasure of knowing, both new and old, are going through many different phases of life: the big D, moving, starting a new business, getting married, having babies. There's our family, also going through challenging times: getting married, moving, finding themselves, finding sobriety, raising grandkids.
It might be flippant or naive to say this, but as long as we are still able to remember what matters most in life, we'll all be ok. It might be a struggle, but that is what life is all about, isn't it? And frankly, it's somehow reassuring that we are all in this together - friends and family.
So as April slowly teases us with the promise of growth and new life, I'm choosing to open my arms out and embrace her. I'm looking forward to seeing what other things I can make grow this year, and hoping I can make it through April as optimistic as I am today. :)
APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding...
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
April has always been a hard month for me. I've lost loves, done stupid things, been challenged physically, mentally and emotionally during my previous 35 Aprils.
This April, we're facing some major financial blows (gotta love tax time) and there are stressful times ahead. However, I have to admit, I'm actually optimistic. Scared, hell yeah. But I just know everything is going to be ok.
Why is it different this year?
Well, there's that beautiful new nephew in our lives. Nothing like new life to remember what is important. There's our yard we get to figure out how to (cheaply) landscape and plant gardens in. There's our daughter, beautiful Maddy, who makes my life so much cheery. Maybe that's why I'm feeling a bit more optimistic this year.
There are so many others in our lives who are going through challenges themselves. Some of our friends who we've had the pleasure of knowing, both new and old, are going through many different phases of life: the big D, moving, starting a new business, getting married, having babies. There's our family, also going through challenging times: getting married, moving, finding themselves, finding sobriety, raising grandkids.
It might be flippant or naive to say this, but as long as we are still able to remember what matters most in life, we'll all be ok. It might be a struggle, but that is what life is all about, isn't it? And frankly, it's somehow reassuring that we are all in this together - friends and family.
So as April slowly teases us with the promise of growth and new life, I'm choosing to open my arms out and embrace her. I'm looking forward to seeing what other things I can make grow this year, and hoping I can make it through April as optimistic as I am today. :)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
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