Wednesday, July 29, 2009

going home

I love the home we've made in Green Bay. I didn't think I'd like this town. I grew up in Madison - a long way from this conservative and industrial place. But after a few years, after I figured out the area, I grew to really like this town.

When Maddy was born, I didn't have a network. I had a few friends, but I didn't have a job until after Maddy was 4 months old. I haven't stopped working since then, and I'm ok with that. We bought our first house when she was 1 1/2. I have a number of friends now. We've become members of the area's Unitarian Universalist fellowship. We have a network. And I like it!

But, there is simply nothing like going home. There are songs written about it. There are poems and movies about home. It's a powerful thing.

I grew up south of Madison and I'll always call my parent's home my home away from home, my first home, the home I'll always be able to go back to when times get tough.

Joe Maddy and I haven't been able to get down to see my parents in a long time - a few months actually. We get to go down this weekend for a number of wonderful reasons. My parents just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary by heading to California for a long weekend. Can't wait to hear about it! My mom's birthday is in a few weeks. AND we get to spend Saturday at the Memorial Union to see a fun band (Phat Phunktion!). Too much fun.

I love going home...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday, July 20, 2009

16 weeks & 5 days

It's been a month since I've blogged. I'm feeling quite lazy lately. My poor vegetable garden is more weed than vegetables. Perhaps my mood is cuz we haven't had decent rain in a long while - perhaps it's cuz I'm still puking every morning. That takes a lot of out of me.

I'm doing well - 16 weeks & 5 days. My belly is rounding out. I'm looking less lumpy and more pregnant. I've been able to feel baby moving around a bit since week 14. It's been hiding in the back more when we go to listen to the heartbeat. Stinker.

I only have a few items of my non-maternity clothes I can wear lately. This pregnancy, I am able to spend money on clothes for work, which is nice. Styles have certainly changed since I was pregnant with Madeline 6 years ago!!!

We have our next ultrasound on August 4th - just 2 short weeks. It's a big one where they look at the baby's organs and heart and possibly even tell what 'flavor' it is. Yes, we are going to attempt to identify the sex of the baby. We might even tell you if you ask nicely. :) We will wait until baby is born to name it officially. Madeline is sure the names will be either Isaac or Purple Iris. I told her we'll take those names into consideration.