Monday, January 28, 2008

On this day ....

1986: Seven dead in space shuttle disaster.

I can never forget. I know exactly where I was - in high school, peeking in the classroom where they had the TV and live-feed set up. I was 16. I still can't look at the video without crying.

In memory ....

Thursday, January 24, 2008


It's the anniversary of my birth. I am 38 years old today, and I'm proud of every grey hair, every wrinkle (now that's a new thing!), all my baby-belly fat I haven't lost, everything about me. It took a LONG time to say this, but this is the only body I'll ever have, so I gotta learn to love ME. I didn't say it was easy, but now that I'm in my late 30s (oy), I gotta learn how to love ME.

Going out to eat with Maddy and Joe tonight - probably to a fun kid-birthday place. Going out on Saturday night for sushi and ? afterwards with Joe. :) I received so many nice b'day messages, via e-cards, phone messages, and physical cards, even from my new co-workers. I do so love my job!

I'll wear proudly my age - just don't ever tell me I'm too old to do something! I'll dance circles around ya!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Presidential milkshakes

Everything you needed to know about the Presidential candidates.

I drink your milkshake! -Daniel Plainview

I drink your milkshake, even though I opposed drinking your milkshake four years ago. -Mitt Romney

I drink your milkshake, but only if the Bible says it's allowed. -Mike Huckabee

I may drink your milkshake for another 100 years, if that's what it takes. -John McCain

I drank a milkshake on 9/11. -Rudy Giuliani

I'll drink your milkshake a few months after everyone else does. -Fred Thompson

I drink your milkshake, but I'm paying for it with gold. -Ron Paul

America deserves a new milkshake. -Barack Obama

I will fight the corporations so that you can drink your own milkshake. -John Edwards

I have 35 years of milkshake-drinking experience. *sob* -Hillary Clinton

I peacefully drink your milkshake. -Dennis Kucinich

It depends on what your definition of "milkshake" is. -Bill Clinton

I voted for drinking your milkshake before I voted against it. -John Kerry

Global warming is melting your milkshake. -Al Gore

We're making good progress in the war on milkshakes, and make no mistake: we will prevail. -George W. Bush

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It's been crazy here lately. The quarter here at the college started on the 7th, and we've expanded to over 100 students. I won't bore you with details, but I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with Maddy and Joe this weekend, especially watching the BIG GAME on Sunday night. :)

Joe on the field

Yes, this is Joe, working on the sidelines at last Saturday's snowy game. He is an NFL Instant Replay Technician, which means he helps with the replays. He got about 10 sec. of airtime last game! There are lots more pictures of the game on our page!

Go Pack Go!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I'm ok

The zapping sucked. BIG. But the good news is that whatever the neuro-doc saw, my surgeon didn't think it required any surgery. :) YIPPEE